Fundusze Norweskie - Norweski Mechanizm Finansowy 2014-2020

Projekt współfinansowany w ramach Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2021. 19.1 Nowe Produkty i Inwestycje. 19.1.1 Technologie przyjazne środowisku – Green growth

Firma Usługowo Handlowa HOLDMAR Szymański Sławomir w ramach projektu „Wdrożenie do przedsiębiorstwa innowacyjnego procesu redukcji odpadu w postaci przetwarzania elektroodpadów” korzysta z dofinansowania o wartości 727 306,55 EURO otrzymanego od Norwegii.

Cel projektu:

Celem projektu jest wdrożenie do przedsiębiorstwa innowacyjnego na skalę świata procesu umożliwiającego przerób i rafinacje złomu różnych metali, w celu uzyskania czystego granulatu.

Termin realizacji projektu:
01/01/2021 r. – 30/04/2024 r.

Norway Grants - Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014–2021

Project co-financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. 19.1 New Products and Investments. 19.1.1 Green industry innovation – Green growth
Firma Usługowo Handlowa HOLDMAR Szymański Sławomir, under the project „Implementation of an innovative waste reduction process in the form of electrowaste processing,” benefits from funding of EUR 727 306.55 received from Norway. 

The project assumes increasing the competitiveness of the company through the implementation of innovative technology a global scale waste reduction process in the form of processing scrap metal mixtures – starters, alternators, electric motors, etc. and electronic waste, which will ultimately translate into increasing the company’s revenues, increasing the amount of waste processed and recovered, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere. The project is consistent with the objectives program because it has a positive impact on increasing added value and implements innovative solutions a process that is not currently available on the market. The investment involves the purchase of four new fixed assets, two of which will remain combined into one coherent system. Positive solutions will be implemented as part of the project influencing horizontal policies and increasing employment. The project assumes cooperation with the Polish Scientific Unit at the stage its implementation. The solutions introduced by the Applicant will contribute to the reduction negative impact on the environment.

Purpose of the project:
The aim of the project is to implement a world-wide innovative process enabling the processing and refining of scrap of various metals in order to obtain pure granulate.
Project completion date:
01/01/2021 r. – 30/04/2024 r.